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Discord Servers

Reviews empowers Discord communities with easy and fast review creation.


None (4)

Reviews got 52 votes this month

/config channelCOPY COMMAND 📋
Reviews's Website



Welcome to Reviews! A bot that enable user review functionalities within your Discord server.


Reviews offers a variety of commands for managing, creating, and interacting with reviews. Here's a breakdown of each command:

/config anonymous <toggle: true/false>Allow or disallow anonymous reviews./config anonymous trueAdministrator
/config button <toggle: true/false>Show or hide the review button under reviews./config button falseAdministrator
/config channel <channel>Set the channel where reviews are sent./config channel reviewsAdministrator
/config logs <channel>Set the channel for review creation, edit, and deletion logs./config logs logsAdministrator
/config review-role <role>Specify the role required to create reviews./config review-role reviewersAdministrator
/config threads <toggle: true/false>Enable or disable threads under reviews./config threads trueAdministrator
/customize buttonPersonalize the review button's appearance for your server./customize buttonAdministrator
/customize embedTailor the review embed's visual style./customize embedAdministrator
/delete <review-id>Delete a review using its ID./delete 123456Everyone, Administrator
/edit <review-id>Edit a review using its ID./edit 123456Everyone
/review <title> <review> <rating>Leave a review for a product or service./review Awesome Product Great experience! 5Everyone
/reviewme <user>Request another user to review you (requires administrator permission)./reviewme @usernameAdministrator
/reviewstats <category>Display review statistics in a dedicated channel./reviewstats overallAdministrator


  1. Set up channels: Create dedicated channels for reviews (e.g., #reviews) and review logs (e.g., #review-logs). Use the /config channel and /config logs commands to specify the corresponding channels.
  2. Review role (optional): Create a role named "Reviewers" and grant it to users who will require this role to create reviews.
  3. Enable anonymous reviews (optional): Use the /config anonymous true command if you'd like to allow users to submit reviews anonymously.
  4. Customize the review button and embed (optional): Use the /customize button and /customize embed commands to personalize their appearance (consult the bot's documentation for specific customization options).
  5. Enable threads under reviews (optional): Use the /config threads command if you would like to have the bot create threads under each review.
REVIEWSReviews can be left only by registered users. Please make sure to check our terms of service before posting.

Do you recommend this bot?


This is an amazing Discord bot. Great for collecting reviews and feedback from my community!



2 people found this review helpful

Best Bot That Deserves To Shine & Also Deserved To Be In More Servers



3 people found this review helpful

would it be ironical to give a review bot a bad review



3 people found this review helpful

Cool bot! Great way to collect reviews from my members!



0 people found this review helpful

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