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Discord Servers

A versatile and user-friendly bot for Discord servers, offering features such as Pronoun Select, Starboarding, Ticketing, Logging and more.


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Then this is the right way to go, you can simply prompt an embed where all your members can assign their Pronouns by simply clicking a button, they will also show globally in the /info command. Selected Pronouns will always be synchronized between all guilds Waya and the users are in, but of course you can also select Pronouns only server specific if you want ;)


This Starboard is made so your members and you can highlight stupid, funny, weird, questionable and interesting messages to have a little bit of fun in an extra channel so everyone can see it. Waya will let you to configure a lot of stuff listed below, your community will love it 💕


Waya records all messages sent by a user (of course only the amount and not it's content), but of course that's not all, Waya also counts how many users a user has invited on the invite leaderboard. The leaderboard always shows the top 10 members in the category of your server. Note that there are two types of leaderboards, once the static one which only shows the current stats and your own position, and the updating one which updates in an interval to up to 6 minutes (or less/more often).


Log all messages in your server that either have been Edited or Deleted completely with the style and swag of Waya and catch hidden rule violations, trolls, ghost pings and more. There is also an option for data geeks 👀


Here you can log all events of users Joining and Leaving your server. Whenever a user joines, Waya will log the User Id, the Join Date, Account Creation Date and the Invitation link + the channel it was created in if any. It will also show the user who invited them in the /info command, and the inviter's /info <show:invites> will also list the invited user (as long as they didn't left).

Verification / Captcha

You can also have your members verified with a captcha from GeeTest. We do not use Google or hCaptcha to increase security as they are known to be easily bypassed. Waya also verifies the user's email address if it is a temporary mail. You can automatically assign roles if successful and punish people with a kick, ban, timeout or other role. With a Enterprise plan, you can also change the color of the site and switch between 7 different Captcha options.


You can not only annoy all your new members with an extremely long message when they first join that may or may not just ping them, you can also assign the user a role if you want to do so. You will be able to use a ton of placeholders which include joined user info, the guilds info and the user who invited them (if enabled).


You can create a shiny Embed for users to create tickets in your servers. You can of course style the message Embed in the way you want with custom everything (listed in the Available options below). All of those features are as always for free obviosly. If you want you can also let Waya automatically close the ticket if the ticket creator has left the server in peace.


Then this is the right way to store messages and send the same thing over and over and over and over and over again. This will let you create a custom message with full customizable embed and message content. You can also implement the placeholders such as user information, guild data, current static date, current date with discord formatation, and ticket information if the tag is being used in tickets (will be limited to tickets only), with Waya premium you will also be able to use tag related placeholders, implement a custom footer and create more than just 32 tags.

Sticky Messages

Do you want a message always on the bottom so members can read it? Sticky messages are the solution for this problem! Simply setup a message using the command below, edit everything how you want to have it, and it will resend the message all 6 seconds if new ones appeared!

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