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Discord Servers

Support Tickets, Github Integration, Custom Commands, Audit Logs, Welcome Messages, REST Endpoint Support, all COMPLETELY FREE.


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Betsy's Website

Ticketing System

A fully configurable ticketing system that can create channels, respond automatically, and so much more. More advanced configuration than anything you've seen.

A fully working transcript system that generates HTML - OR use the direct transcript link which verifies you have access to the transcript. Configurable of course!

Auto Close tickets feature included.

Github Integration

  • Create Issues Directly from a Discord Command
  • Receive updates for Issues directly in a Discord Channel (Pick and choose channels for specific issues instead of a generic webhook sending to a single channel)


  • Create payments for your users to complete simply through a /payments command. Only configuration needed is by adding your API key to our supported platforms.
  • Currently Supports Coinbase Commerce

Custom Command Builder

  • Create complex custom commands to fit your needs. Including sending REST requests across the web!
  • Customize your parameters and your responses for unique and creative ways to interact with APIs

Invite Blocker

  • Blocks all invites sent on your server. Posts all deleted messages to an audit log channel of your choosing.
  • Whitelist roles or users to allow them to send invites.

Review System

  • Create reviews for a server
  • Create reviews for a user
  • Create custom review categories for review products, websites, whatever your heart desires!

Tracked Messages

  • Announcement messages, or reminder messages that you want resent every x hours. All the tools you need to advertise and manage your messages.
  • Add components to your tracked messages which can do various actions such as give roles, remove roles, and much more.

Send Message / Announcement

  • Create a message to be sent to a channel or ALL channels in a given category. Using our fully custom message creator right in the admin panel.


  • Create giveaways that automatically end, pick any number of winners for you, and that are fully customizable!

User Verification

  • Block alternate accounts, know more about the people joining your server, and protect your server from bots.

Welcome Messages

Create as many channel or direct messages that are completely configurable to be sent when a user joins your server. Notify them of rules, information, tips, etc.

Form Entry

  • Create forms through our admin panel that can be used on commands or messages to gather information. See all submissions directly through our admin panel. API integration coming soon. Allowing you to access your data via API or send it directly to your API when a new entry comes in.

Data Commands

  • Create a slash command with parameters that will send a POST/PUT/PATCH/DELETE request to your API for you to handle. The options for the parameters are 100% configurable and you can map the data to be sent to your API however you want.
  • Set your own headers for authentication
  • Set default data that is sent and not required as a parameter in the command itself

Audit Log

  • Keep track of edited and deleted messages in an audit log channel.

User Management Commands

  • /user info <user> - Provides a detailed report on the user such as when their account was created, when they joined your server, and other nice to know information.
  • More coming later

Channel Cleaners

  • Want to keep a channel clean and delete any messages that are old automatically? We've got you covered. A background service is run at the top of the hour that triggers all channel cleaners to start cleaning. This will delete any messages in your selected channel older than the specified time in hours.
  • This is an experimental feature and could be only for select users, or premium only in the future (premium doesn't exist now) as this is a very taxing service and incurs additional cost to me for the background service.
REVIEWSReviews can be left only by registered users. Please make sure to check our terms of service before posting.

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